Fire Resistant


AviusULD has developed Fire Resistant Containers (FRCs) that provide an additional layer of protection against fires in the container contents. Our FRCs have a proven capability to withstand and contain fires, including those involving lithium batteries, for up to 6 hours.

We have specifically designed our FRCs to endure the harsh operating environments of cargo containers. Our selection of materials and construction design prioritize damage resistance and ease of maintenance, resulting in the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) possible.

Currently, there is a lack of fully defined requirements for FRCs, particularly regarding fires involving batteries. For comprehensive details on our existing products and upcoming developments, we encourage you to contact us directly.


Modular Design


Lowest TCO

Group (2)

User Friendly

Group (1)

Easy Maintenance

Group (3)

Superior Durability

Avius ULD

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